Linda Bang

Linda Bang

It is my goal as a piano teacher to bring the unique and wonderful experience of learning to appreciate and love beautiful music through the art of piano. This learning process is available to students of any age or experience.

Piano playing need not be a solitary pursuit, therefore my studio offers three events a year which I call musicales. These are casual and relaxed performance opportunities for the students to share their progress and favorite pieces with each other and their families and afterwards we have a party!

My studio does not stress competitions and the big year-end recital although that can be made available if desired. The vast majority of music students never pursue music professionally, but the immediate benefits in terms of better concentration, better grades, self-discipline and cognitive improvement are extremely well documented.  The enjoyment of music only grows with time. Music is truly a blessing for a lifetime!

I have included some representative testimonials, as well as some biographical information. Look for information about upcoming events and scheduled musicales.